Search Results for "Olev Annus"

1984 IFBB Mr. Universe Prejudging (Download)

A-1703  Digital Download  Duration: 154 mins  Sample Clip One of the most amazing finds we have had in years - the 1984 IFBB Mr. Universe. PREJUDGING. This was a classic contest and one of the greatest ever Amateur World Championships. Imagine seeing all of these great amateurs on stage - Heavyweights Rich Gaspari, Mike Christian, Berry de Mey and Olev Annus. They went on to have wonderful Pro careers.
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1989 IFBB Finnish Grand Prix (Download)

A-0573  Digital Download  Duration:  120 mins    Sample Clip LEE LABRADA proved to be a very popular winner over fellow American VINCE TAYLOR. In third place it was the shredded master poser from Egypt in Mohammed Benaziza. In this video it takes you from the judging to pumping up and interviews and through to the exciting finals. Many of these competitors became legends of the sport.
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1991 NABBA Mr. Universe: Show (Download)

GMV-139  Digital Download  Duration:  90 mins  Sample Clip Victor Terra took out his first ever Professional title. Joe DeAngelis of USA won his tall class 1 with Reiner Gorbracht of Germany taking out the overall Amateur Universe after winning class 4.  Of special interest is a very young Mustafa Mohammad placing 2nd in class 2.
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1995 Masters Olympia (Download)

A-0839  Digital Download  Duration:  90 mins  Sample Clip A fascinating line-up of stars - and won by the late Aussie legend, Sonny Schmidt - the only Australian to ever win a Sandow. The line-up also included Boyer Coe, Ed Corney, Rod Koontz, Casey Viator, Robby Robinson, Patrick Nicholls, Charles Glass and other greats of the Golden Era of bodybuilding.
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