1983 Gold’s Classic # 3
1983 Gold’s Classic #3 – NPC
July 23, Los Angeles
The Overall winners in Ernie Santiago and Pillow both enjoyed very successful bodybuilding careers. This is a classic contest from our archives, and has never been offered before. Due to the technology of the times, shot 40 years ago, the video is not as sharp as it could be. However it is offered for historical reasons as the only video record of this wonderful contest.
The Men:
Overall Winner – Ernie Santiago
1. Larry Ferris
2. Chris Greenleaf
3. Greg Schwartz
1. Dan Colletto
2. Brian Homka
3. David Campbell
4. Patrick Hayes
5. Mike Lau
6. Steve Smith
7. Frank Jacobs
8. Mark Marion
9. Joseph Lait
10. Ruben McDavid
1. Ernie Santiago
2. Steve Davis
3. Geoffrey Ross
4. Bob Schry
5. Marc Van Banks
6. Aaron Johnson
7. Lou Fortuna
8. Ralph Lopez
9. Nick DeSantis
10. Melvin Staples
11. Charles Colson
12. Daniel Campbell
13. Monroe Huel
14. John Pequignot
15. Jimmy Flood
16. Julian Vasquez
1. Joseph Dawson
2. Russel Knight
3. Johnny Ramirez
4. Jerry Chow
5. Trinidad Savala
6. Paul Howe
The Women
1. Lori Okami
2. Gayle Hall
3. Rita Brown
1. Alison Brundage
2. Audrey Perryman
3. Jill Ingels
4. Theodora Fox
5. Janice Ragain
1. Pillow
2. Sue Ann McKean
3. Dawn Marie Gnaegi
4. Karin Marin
5. Reggie Bennett
6. Tanya Duvanchell
7. Dawn Golstar
8. Rene Swartz Diamond
Overall Winner – Pillow
1. Lisa Gordine & Daniel Kembel
2. Reggie Bennett (F) & Magic (M)
3. Maria Nahera & Jim Flashflood
Cover photo of Ernie Santiago (c) by Wayne Gallasch.