1991 SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic (Download)

AUD $10.00

GMV-126  Digital Download  Duration 120 mins  Sample Clip

This contest marked the start of the career of South Australia’s greatest ever male bodybuilder, NICK JONES. All rounds are shown through to the final awards. The two standout competitors were Men’s Winner Jackie Kirk and up and coming young star Nick Jones.


1991 SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic: Prejudging & Show

This contest was held at the Dom Polski Centre, Adelaide, S.A. on Saturday 9th March, 1991. It marked the start of the career of South Australia’s greatest ever male bodybuilder, NICK JONES. It was also South Australia’s first ever drug tested contest.

Classes contested included Open Men, Masters, Teenage, Junior, Novice and  Figure and other Women’s Classes.  All rounds are shown through to thr final awards. The two standout competitors were Men’s Winner Jackie Kirk and up and coming young star Nick Jones (front cover image).

1991 Adelaide Physique Classic – Results:

Men’s Teenage
1. Nick Jones
2. Kym Parfilo

Men’s Junior
1. Peter Szegedi

Men’s Novice
1. Eddie Sakkers
2. Keith Schrapel
3. George Hill
4. Duncan Blakey
5. Andrew Rutt
6. Paul Anderton
7. Tony Flux

Women’s Junior
1. Sharon Murrell

Women’s Novice
1. Leslie Mellow
2. Esther Pedesic

Women’s Over 35
1. Virginia Hamblin
2. Debbie Dohnt

Men’s Masters
1. Phil Peake
2. Tony Martin

Women’s Figure
1. Lisa Williams
2. Cheryl Paglia
3. Janelle McLean

Men’s Open
1. Jackie Kirk
2. George Hill
3. Duncan Blakey
4. Andrew Rutt
5. Tony Flux