1999 SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic: Show
Saturday, 8th May, 1999 Golden Grove Recreation Centre.
See the complete Show right through to the final awards staged at this brand new Golden Grove venue. Heaps of new faces, and one of the strongest teams ever fielded by South Australia in this state level NABBA contest. All the winners from the Adelaide Physique Classic went on to Melbourne for the Nationals a week later, and walked away with 5 first places and 3 second places. This was a fantastic team and a great result for South Australian bodybuilding. Also includes 30 minutes of Pump Room.
KYM JOHNCOCK was announced as the Overall Winner 1999 Mr. Adelaide.
The Opening Display was from Pro-Fitness Salisbury and the Special Guest Poser was NABBA International star Lorraine March.
The DVD’s main stars include: Kym Johncock, Tony Griffin, Nick Ansell, Nilton Azevedo, Michael Harrington, Kim Knott (Ms. Fitness Australia), Wayne March, Frank Occhiuto, Cathy Crowe, Joanne Howell and Tracy Dempsey.
1999 SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic – Complete Results
Overall Men’s Winner: Kym Johncock
Men’s First Timers
1st Frank Occhiuto
2nd Adrian Trembath
Men’s Junior
1st Nick Ansell
2nd Chris Karamoslos
Men’s Novice
1st Nilton Azevedo
2nd Adam Voysey
3rd Ray Palmer
Men’s Masters
1st Wayne March
2nd Jim McCluskey
3rd Paul Cosford
Men’s Open Short Class
1st Kym Johncock
2nd Michael Harrington
Men’s Open Tall Class
1st Tony Griffin
2nd Brett Jansen
3rd Shaun Kirkman
Ms Fitness
1st Kim Knott
2nd Esther Pedisic
Women’s First Timers
1st Joanne Howell
2nd Belinda Eilers
3rd Tracy Clark
Women’s Physique
1st Cathy Crowe
Women’s Figure
1st Tracy Dempsey
2nd Diane Ciampa
3rd Tania Craig
4th Bobbie Joe Ansell
5th Linda Bastian