2001 NABBA Queensland Bodybuilding Championships # 2 – Women (Download)

AUD $10.00

A-1062B  Digital Download  Duration:  104 mins  Sample Clip

All the women’s classes from this qualifier for the 2001 NABBA Australia; plus the Men’s Overall won by Scott Burgess. Includes guest poser Grant Mayo.  The Queensland team did very well indeed at the Nationals, and dominated in Women’s Physique won by Jo Rogers.


2001 NABBA Queensland Bodybuilding Championships # 2 – Women

A qualifier for the 2001 Australian titles:    Pauline Newman won the overall state title in the Figure class.

The Queensland team dominated in the National Physique titles won by Jo Rogers, and Tracey Kennell second.

Part 2 includes the following classes:

Overall Men won by Scott Burgess
Dance performance and entertainment
Ms Figure
Fitness Routines
Lee Newman interview and posing
Ms Physique
Grant Mayo guest posing
Interviews with Fitness Performers
Figure Class 1 & 2
Figure Overall won by Pauline Newman