2002 Ms. International – Pump Room & Finals Contest Posing
See the complete Women’s Pump Room from the 2002 Ms. International contest at the Arnold Fitness Weekend!! Plus highlights showing most women as they posed at the evening FINALS.
Includes plenty of extreme closeups as the women pump & oil for that winning edge before they go on stage for the finals. We include all the backstage action with last minute tensing and posing.
Approx. 31 mins of Pump Room action!! DAYANA CADEAU pictured front cover.
Our Finals contest posing is NOT shot from the front, but from up close in the side stage wings. We present a different and more exciting perspective to the posing round as all competitors are shown. Also included are the posedowns, awards, and backstage victory poses by overall winner YAXENI ORIQUEN, who was in her all time best condition.
Approx. 69 mins of posing is included, as well as the photo booth posing. Most posing is from the FINALS.
Overall Winner – Yaxeni Oriquen
1. Valentina Chepiga (Photo Gallery)
2. Dayana Cadeau (Photo Gallery)
3. Fannie Barrios (Photo Gallery)
4. Cathy Priest
5. Angela Debatin
6. Denise Masino
7. Yaz Boyum
8. Sophie Duquette
9. Dawn Sutherland
10. Jennifer McVicar
1. Yaxeni Oriquen (Photo Gallery)
2. Iris Kyle (Photo Gallery)
3. Vickie Gates (Photo Gallery)
4. Gayle Moher
5. Betty Pariso
6. Lisa Aukland (Photo Gallery)
7. Pauliina Talus
SPECIAL NOTE: Due to contractual arrangements between the TV company at the event and the organisers, it was not possible for us to purchase front of stage videotaping rights for the evening shows of both the men’s and women’s events. However, we were permitted to shoot from on-stage at both evening finals and got a pretty good closeup image of all the action right through to the Awards with Arnold.
The Ms. International final was shot from side stage, and the Arnold Classic shot from rear-side stage.