2003 Women’s Olympia: Figure and Fitness Prejudging
See all the prejudging footage as we present the complete afternoon rounds for Figure and Fitness from the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Resort. In the Figure Class, see the Complete Figure Olympia Prejudging from Rounds 1 and 2. See how the relatively unknown DAVANA MEDINA edged out the super popular MONICA BRANT!!
Photo Galleries
2003 Ms. Olympia Contest
2003 Ms. Olympia Pump Room
2003 Olympia Figure and Fitness Gallery
2003 Olympia Figure and Fitness Pump Room
In the Complete Fitness Olympia Prejudging see Rounds 1 and 2 which includes all the dynamic “cat-suit” routines. You be the judge as to Susie Curry versus Kelly Ryan for first place. Many Ryan fans felt she was hard done by!
Includes interviews with winners Susie Curry and Davana Medina.
This video includes a superb PHOTO GALLERY.
This is the 7th and final video associated with the WOMEN OF THE 2003 OLYMPIA! The biggest and best coverage ever of a women’s event.
2003 Figure Olympia Results
1 Davana Medina
2 Monica Brant (Photo Gallery)
3 Jenny Lynn (Photo Gallery)
4 Mari Kudla
5 Dina Al-Sabah
6 D.J. Wallis
7 Jamie Franklin
8 Aleksandra Kobielak
9 Sharon Kouvaris
10 Hannah Park
11 Elaine Goodlad
12 Theil Bradford
2003 Fitness Olympia Results
1 Susie Curry
2 Kelly Ryan
3 Adela Garcia Friedmansky (Photo Gallery)
4 Tracey Greenwood
5 Jen Hendershott
6 Anna Level
7 Klaudia Kinska
8 Stacy Hylton
9 Julie Palmer
10 Jenny Worth
11 Kim Klein
12 Stacy Simons
13 Shannon Meteraud
14 Kim Odiatu