2005 NABBA Universe – Women: Prejudging & Show
Held in Southport, the 2005 NABBA Universe saw a record total of 53 women competing in 4 classes as follows: 21 in Miss Figure Class 2, 15 in Miss Figure Class 1, 9 in the Physique Class and 8 in Miss Fitness.
You will see the complete women’s contest, from the posing routines of every single competitor from the prejudging, and also the top 6 in each class posing at the show. Includes rounds 1 and 3 from prejudging, plus the posedown for Overall Figure Champion, as well as all the awards, and the fitness routines from the show.
The 4 class winners were:
Class 2 Figure and Overall Figure Winner: Andrea Carvalho
Class 1 Figure: Victoria Zabourdiaeva
Miss Physique: Desiree Dumpel
Miss Fitness: Loana Muttoni
Complete set of Universe results
Photos by Scott Monroe.
Wayne Gallasch’s 2005 NABBA Universe report.
Women’s Results
Miss Figure Class 2
1 Andrea Carvalho Brazil (Overall winner)
2 Luciane Vieira Brazil
3 Flavia Crisos Brazil
4 Susan Borg Malta
5 Terri Roberts Australia
6 Christine Hajjar Australia
DNP: Gina Ford
Sugely Mercelina
Heike Neubauer
Elaine Thorpe
Olga Vasina
Maria Chimal
Lisa Mann
Vera Onkova
Lilian Okubo
Elena Sergeva
Jane Carter
Rahel Ruch
Svitlana Oliynyk
Cheryl Steel
Ira Mayan
Miss Figure Class 1
1 Victoria Zabourdiaeva Russia
2 Yana Vladimirova Russia
3 Claudia Francis de Souza Brazil
4 Dianne Shipway Australia
5 Sonia Chiarabini Italy
6 Malika Zitouni UK
DNP: Candy Donovan
Adele Gibbon
Anita Hess
Sandra Corral
Charita Neethling
Angela Thomas
Elena Nazarova
Norma Garcia
Nicola Durvakour
Miss Physique
1 Desiree Dumpel Holland
2 Olga Tikhonova Russia
3 Toni Carreras Spain
4 Avril Keith UK
5 Olena Stadnik Ukraine
6 Galina Podolneva Russia
DNP: Areli Galvan
Lesley Wells
Ieva Gasune
Miss Fitness
1 Loana Muttoni Brazil
2 Tonica Lodder South Africa
3 Helen Heanen UK
4 Graceiela Victoria Mexico
5 Philippa Wilke South Africa
6 Federica Giannopolo Italy
DNP: Andrea Hudakova
Martyna Kulin