FIBO 1987
Here is another superb lineup of bodybuilding stars and many different exciting events at the famous FIBO Bodybuilding Expo in Germany. This was only the second year of the event to be released on video. Please keep in mind that the event was shot with 1987 technology and is a straight transfer from the master tape to video with no added features.
This video has a soundtrack that features a mixture of both German and English speaking throughout. However the guest posing displays are the highlights of this classic, historic FIBO Expo. The stars were some of the best and most popular bodybuilders in the world. These are the real stars of the 80’s. A number of them such as TOM PLATZ, AL BECKLES, PETER HENSEL and ANJA LANGER have competed in the Olympia with great success.
This is a wonderful trip down memory lane with some of the biggest and brightest stars of USA and German bodybuilding from 20 years ago. In Tom Platz and Al Beckles you have two of the most popular male bodybuilders of all time.
Photos by Wayne Gallasch and front cover photo of Tom courtesy Tom Platz.
The stars include
Anja Langer
Tom Platz
Anja Albrecht
Renate Holland
Gaby Sievers
Peter Hensel
Josef Grolmus
Tony Pearson
Al Beckles
Hermine Klinger
Ralf Moeller
Alfred Neugebauer
Gunter Kuhni
Anja Langer (again)
Alfred Krautgartner
Juliette Bergmann
Frank Gay duo poses with Ronald Matz, then with Peter Hensel, Ralf Moeller and Ronald Matz.
Thierry Pastel
Serge Nubret
Jusup Wilcosz
Ronald Matz
John Brown
Samir Bannout
Herman Hoffend & Ralf Moeller
Tom Platz
Plus many more big names.