1986 German Qualifier for Euro Championships (DVD)

AUD $29.95

A-1546-DVD Open Region DVD Duration: 77 mins Sample Clip

Another gem from the German Archives. Classic bodybuilding which includes Gunter Kuhni, Wilhelm Jasinowski, Anja Langer and more.


1986 German Qualifier for the Euro Championships – Men & Women

Another sensational gem from Germany.
The men’s qualifiers were:
a) Günther Kühni (3rd in the Heavyweight of the 1986 European Amateur Champs)
b) Wilhelm Jasinowski (1st in the Middleweight of the 1986 European Amateur Champs)
c) Thomas Reichel
d) André Lotz (4th in the Heavyweight of the 1986 European Amateur Champs)

Other contestants: Lothar Kienle, Rüdiger Schmitz and more.

The women qualifiers were:
Gundi Fröder
Susanne Steurer
Anja Langer

Other contestants were: Aurora Hoffmann and others.