Prejudging at the 2001 Fitness Olympia
Every second of the Prejudging is included in this first ever Fitness Olympia Complete Prejudging DVD. Starting with each competitor’s name being called as she appears on stage, and followed by Round 1 – all the individual quarter turns, ‘groups of three’ in quarter turns (symmetry round); followed by Round 2 – compulsory high impact routines in a black catsuit. This exciting routines round has subsequently been dropped from the Fitness contests.
This compulsory routine has to include several mandatory moves, to demonstrate strength, flexibility and endurance. The skill with which each girl makes their routine look totally different to the last is truly amazing. This section of the DVD runs for approximately 60 minutes.
To round the DVD up to 75 minutes, we have included approximately 15 minutes of the Fitness girls back stage stretching, pumping and getting ready to perform their evening long routines.
The DVD concludes with the photo booth sessions with some of the top placing girls.
2001 Fitness Olympia Results
October 26, 2001 at Las Vegas, Nevada
1 Susie Curry USA
2 Jennifer Worth USA
3 Kelly Ryan USA
4 Adela Friedmansky USA
5 Timea Majorova Slovakia
6 Jennifer Hendershott USA
7 Jennifer Hanke USA
8 Stacy Simons USA
9 Aleksandra Kobielak Poland
10 Laura Mak USA
11 Nicole Hobbs USA
12 Melissa Frabbiele USA