2003 Women’s Olympia: Ms. Olympia Prejudging (DVD)

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GMV-557-DVD  Open Region DVD   Duration:  70 mins   Preview Clip

These early Prejudging rounds are the best way to see each physique and determine who you feel should win. Includes the titanic final posedown between Lenda Murray and Iris Kyle to conclude the prejudging.


2003 Women’s Olympia – Ms. Olympia Prejudging

We present the complete first 2 rounds from the afternoon prejudging, held for the first time on the Events Centre Main Stage at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Resort.

Includes some great closeups as Lenda and Juliette battle it out once again. Plus a young Iris Kyle, destined to be a future and many times champion.

See all 15 sensational physique champions (named on screen) as they come out on stage and perform the compulsory poses. These early Prejudging rounds are the best way to see each physique and determine who you feel should win. Includes the titanic final posedown between Lenda Murray and Iris Kyle to conclude the prejudging.

2003 Ms OLYMPIA Results

Overall Ms. Olympia – LENDA MURRAY


1 Juliette Bergmann
2 Dayana Cadeau
3 Denise Masino
4 Cathy Priest
5 Angela Debatin
6 Fanny Barrios
7 Kim Harris
8 Rosemary Jennings


1 Lenda Murray  (Overall winner)
2 Iris Kyle
3 Yaxeni Oriquen
4 Betty Viana
5 Helle Nielsen
6 Betty Pariso
7 Vickie Gates