1993 NABBA Mr. Britain: Prejudging Part 1
Open Class 4
The stand-out names in these three classes include Masters Champion Bernard Bryan, and Short Class Competitors Jason Corrick and Michael King. Jason went on to win his height class in the NABBA Universe in 1996 and the NABBA Masters Over 40 Universe. Mike became a NABBA Mr. Universe in 1995, and later took out the Overall IFBB British Championships gaining his pro card.
Overall Winner Eamen McCauley
1 Simon Cohen
2 Dayo Audi
3 Christopher Seddon
4 Eric Hartley
5 Ken Prescott
6 Steve Johnson
7 Clint Jones
8 Ian Laughlin
1 Warren Treasure
2 Ernie Taylor
3 Tony Twigg
4 Michael Johnson
5 Steve Tylee
6 David Prescott
7 Colin Thomas
8 Geoff Nutt
1 Eamen McCauley
2 Stephen Lloyd
3 Nicky Cheung
4 Linval Miller
5 Michele Caira
6 Russell Short
7 Desmond Rowe
8 Derek Saunders
1 Mark Turvey
2 James Young
3 Victor Hobson
4 Michael King
5 Jason Corrick
6 Michael Sullivan
1 Dan Norman
2 James Crossley
3 Andy McCleary
4 Dorian Southway
5 Zak Owen
6 Grant Thomas
7 Matthew Thompson
8 Andrew Coulton
1 Bernard Bryan
2 Paul Garner
3 Jim Boulton
4 Eddie Ibbotson
5 Roy Cox
6 Bob Hills
7 Graham Lakey
8 Dave Richards
9 Derek Browning