2004 Mr. Olympia – Finals
KING RONNIE crowned by the Governator! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger walked onto the Olympia stage holding the Sandow trophy and presented it to Ronnie Coleman for tying his record. Both men stand only one victory away from all-time leader Lee Haney.
See the fantastic new “Challenge Round” introduced by Sylvester Stallone and hosted by WWE star Triple H where each of the top six Olympia finalists called each other out for mano-a-mano poses to determine the final placings.
2004 Mr. Olympia Results
October 30, 2004 at Las Vegas, Nevada
The new ‘Challenge Round’ was introduced, changing the way the final top six were scored in the last round. The top six competitors scores were discarded after round three, and only the final round mattered in who would win. In the new format, Dexter was the loser, and Gustavo went into the top 3. The difference was worth $10,000. Ronnie still was the clear winner.
1 Ronnie Coleman USA (Photo Gallery)
2 Jay Cutler USA (Photo Gallery)
3 Gustavo Badell Puerto Rico (Photo Gallery)
4 Dexter Jackson USA (Photo Gallery)
5 Markus Ruhl Germany (Photo Gallery)
6 Gunter Schlierkamp Germany (Photo Gallery)
7 Chris Cormier USA (Photo Gallery)
8 Dennis James USA (Photo Gallery)
9 Victor Martinez Dominican Republic (Photo Gallery)
10 Darrem Charles Trinidad
11 Pavol Jablonicky Czech Rep (Photo Gallery)
12 Kris Dim USA (Photo Gallery)
13 Ahmad Haidar Lebanon (Photo Gallery)
14 Johnnie Jackson USA (Photo Gallery)
15 Troy Alves USA (Photo Gallery)
16 Craig Richardson USA
17 Mustafa Mohammad Jordan (Photo Gallery)
18 Richard Jones USA
19 Claude Groulx Canada (Photo Gallery)