Held in the spacious Los Angeles Convention Center for the first time, the Iron Man Pro is always the first pro show of the new season. 2008 proved to be not only the biggest Iron Man event in years regarding competitor numbers, it was also the best year ever for the IRON MAN Pro and FitExpo. The new venue of the LA Convention Centre was huge, the crowds were huge and the competitors on stage were mostly HUGE and RIPPED!
PHIL “The Gift” HEATH brought his “A” Game to the Iron Man Pro by presenting his wonderful shape and new improved size and symmetry, while still displaying his famous conditioning. This was Phil’s first Iron Man victory at his first attempt at this title. His overall package proved to be a little too much for Gustavo and the rest of the high quality field. I feel that Phil Heath will do some major damage at the Olympia this year.
An outstanding GUSTAVO BADELL pushed Phil all the way to achieve his second placing while MOE ELMOUSSAWI achieved his highest ever placing in a Pro show with his brilliant 3rd place and a first ever Olympia appointment for September in Las Vegas. This was the best condition that Moe has ever achieved in his career and it was well rewarded.
Rounding out the top 5 who all qualify for the 2008 Olympia were SILVIO SAMUEL in 4th place and JOHNNIE JACKSON in 5th spot. The man with the amazing legs, DESMOND MILLER just missed out on Olympia qualification with his 6th placing in this incredibly tough field. The contest saw an amazing line up of 32 athletes.
*In the FINALS DVD you will see 31 of the 32 competitor’s from Prejudging perform their complete posing routines. Jimmy Canyon is the missing competitor and is only seen in the prejudging but did not compete in the Finals.
You also see the
- Peary & Mabel Rader Lifetime Achievement award posthumously presented to Reg Park by John Balik, accepted by son Jon Jon Park.
- Not to be missed, the fun guest posing by Melvin Anthony at the time he presents the best Presentation Award to his rival, King Kamali.
- Plus PHIL HEATH’s victory speech where Phil is not short for a word!
For a complete report on this event, read Wayne’s HARD NEWS from the Iron Man Pro. The report includes a number of photos courtesy of Iron Man.
This video was taped with 2 cameras in high quality digital video by Wayne and our new closeup cameraman Howard Feintuch, assisted by Richard Rossan. Our interviewer was Kenny Kassel. It has come a long way from year one back in 1990 where the Iron Man video ran for 45 minutes with 10 competitors!
Complete posing routines of all 31 Finals competitors, posedown and all awards.
2008 IFBB Iron Man Pro XIX Results:
1. Phil Heath USA (Photo Gallery)
2. Gustavo Badell USA (Photo Gallery)
3. Moe Elmoussawi NZ
4. Silvio Samuel SPAIN (Photo Gallery)
5. Johnnie Jackson USA (Photo Gallery)
6. Desmond Miller USA
7. Eddie Abbew UK
8. Toney Freeman USA (Photo Gallery)
9. Troy Alves USA (Photo Gallery)
10. King Kamali USA (Photo Gallery)
11. Will Harris USA
12. David Henry USA (Photo Gallery)
13. Khalid Almohsinawi HOLLAND
14. JoJo Ntiforo USA
15. Ray Arde USA
16. Alfonso Del Rio SPAIN
Neset Icli HOLLAND
Paul Baker JAMAICA
Dragan Paunovic SERBIA
Mehmet Yildirim FRANCE
Vincent Liu CANADA
Ken Jones USA
Jimmy Canyon USA
Armin Scholz GERMANY
Gian Enrico Pica ITALY
Sergey Ogorodnikov RUSSIA
Rusty Jeffers USA
Deshaun Grimez USA
Omar Deckard USA
Rodney Davis USA
Troy Brown UK
Nathaniel Wonsley USA
Peary & Mabel Rader Lifetime Achievement Award: Posthumously awarded to Reg Park
Vince Gironda Best Posing Award: King Kamali
Guest Poser: Melvin Anthony Online Champion: Phil Heath
Subject: 2008 Iron Man Pro DVD
Hi Wayne:
I just received the 2008 Ironman DVD and wanted you to know that it actually exceeded my high expectations. This production is first
rate. The photography was clear, precise and showed every contestant in the best possible light. All angles were on display. I do not believe that I have ever seen such a professional video production as this. I sent John Balik an email telling him how much I enjoyed this DVD. Congratulations on an oustanding job. Hope to see more of your photography genius this year.
Kind regards, Tom Caterino, USA.