2009 UKBFF British Championships: Warrington – Prejudging # 1
Photo Gallery so you can see how good the physiques are.
Includes Intermediates under 80 Kg and over 90 Kg, Juniors and Seniors over 40.
List of competitors included in this video
Inters Under 80 KG Class
Stewart Brookes
Adam Webster
Chris Penfold
Thomas McClinely
Paul Wilkins
Andrew Bisset
Nathan Robinson
Over 40’s Class
John Anthony Jones
Andy Lawley
Nigel Cox
Neil Prescott
Steven Bickerstaff
Steve Fong
Colin Hill
Janusz Zulzieblowski
Junior Class
Adam Lewis Davies
Adam Sage
James Carter
Michael Notanov
Dominic Castelliano
Liam Wild
Inters Over 90 Kg
Damien Nelson
Marc Milas
Darren Riley
Adam Sneads
David Rolands
Stewart Johnson