2011 NABBA/WFF Australian Championships: Men # 1 (Download)

AUD $10.00

GMV-821A  Digital Download  Duration: 97 mins   Sample Clip

Part 1 includes WFF Masters Men Over 35 yrs, WFF Mr Athletic Class 4 & 2 Combined, WFF Mr Athletic Class 1, WFF Overall, Luke Wood Tribute and Saltwater Classic Elite – Men.


2011 NABBA/WFF Australian Championships:  Men # 1

Part 1 includes WFF Classes and the Saltwater Classic

Masters Men Over 35 yrs
Mr Athletic Class 4 & 2 Combined
Mr Athletic Class 1
Luke Wood Tribute
Saltwater Classic Elite – Men

The best male and female bodybuilders and fitness athletes from throughout Australia competed at the Nationals in Darwin, NT, on October 16th for the NABBA and WFF titles of Australian Champions for 2011. The event also included the Elite Champions Saltwater Classic and Northern Territory titles.

The winning competitors then went on to compete overseas – either at the WFF Worlds, or the NABBA Universe in UK.
This massive widescreen 16:9 presentation brings you the COMPLETE MEN’S EVENT including all the comparisons and posing through to the special awards and Overall Posedowns.

The big winner on the night was ABRAHAM ELZAIBAK taking out the NABBA Overall Australia and the Elite titles.
The very worthy Overall Australian WFF Men’s champion was David Nazaroff from WA.

Includes promoter Phil Primmer’s special tribute to his late friend LUKE WOOD, along with a special video tribute clip as part of the DVD. Also a tribute to “Bungi.”


2011 NABBA OVERALL MR. AUSTRALIA: Abraham Elzaibak – VIC
2011 WFF OVERALL MR. AUSTRALIA: David Nazaroff – WA
2011 SALTWATER CLASSIC ELITE – MEN: Abraham Elzaibak – VIC
2011 Overall Mr. Northern Territory: David Potae


Dance Group
Rapper & Pole Dancing
NABBA Mr. Australia Past Winners


Darwin, NT  Sunday 16th October, 2011

WFF Masters Men Over 35 yrs
1. Johnny Moore – VIC
2. Andi (Ironhide) Condon – QLD
3. Peter Varley – WA
4. Graham Willbrands – QLD
5. Gary Jones – WA
6. Shane Scott – NT

WFF Mr Athletic Class 4 & 2 Combined
1. Ali Mehrez – Class 4 – VIC
2. Paul MacGregor – Class 4 – SA
1. David Potae – Class 2 – NT

WFF Mr Athletic Class 1
1. David Nazaroff – WA
2. Sam Mitchell – QLD
3. Tom Brown – VIC
4. Jacob Langford – NT

Saltwater Classic Elite – Men
1. Abraham Elzaibak – VIC
2. Jim Kotantonis – VIC
3. Luke Schembri – NSW
4. Geoff Allen – NSW
5. Adam Fennell – SA
6. Tony Griffin – SA

NABBA Teen & Junior Combined
1. Aaron Chin – Teen – NT
1. Mitchell Erdely – Junior – NT
2. James Poke – Junior – NT

NABBA Novice Men
1. Mark Fabbro – QLD
2. Luke Woods – NSW

NABBA Men’s Masters Over 40 & 50 Combined
1. Fred Liberatore – VIC
2. Tony Bate – WA
3. Shane Stringer – NT
4. Anthony Hill – NT
1. Lou Vecchio – 050 – VIC
2. Ray Walton – 050 – TAS

NABBA Open Men Class 4 & 3 Combined
1. Jim Kotantonis  Class 4 – VIC
2. Daniel Mai – Class 4 – VIC
1. Robert Walker – Class 3 – TAS
2. Daniel Fischetti – Class 3 – NT
3. Billy Magee – Class 3 – WA
4. Danny Singleton – Class 3 – QLD

NABBA Open Men Class 2
1. Abraham Elzaibak – VIC
2. Adam Fennell – SA
3. Luke Sgarbossa – VIC
4. Andrew Gilley – TAS

NABBA Open Men Class 1
1. Geoff Allen – NSW
2. Tony Griffin – SA
3. Tom Brekenridge – VIC

Chris Hosking


Nick Jones

HEAD JUDGE:  Mike Divens


Photos by AMPT Imaging.