50th Anniversary NABBA Universe Dinner & Posing Highlights: 1948 – 1998 (Download)

AUD $10.00

GMV-294  Digital Download  Duration: 90 mins  Sample Clip

This video is a very special record of the 50th Anniversary NABBA Universe Dinner and Posing Highlights.   Also includes short posing segments by 4 of the all time greats prior to 1970, Grimek, Reeves, Park and Pearl.


50th Anniverary NABBA Universe Dinner and Posing Highlights 1948 – 1998

Birmingham, Friday October 2nd, 1998.

This video is a very special record of the 50th Anniversary NABBA Universe Dinner held on the eve of the 1998 Universe. The video also includes historic Posing Highlights. It consists of half an hour’s posing highlights of the major Mr.  Universe winners from Arnold in 1970 right up to 1997 inclusive. Regretfully we couldn’t include all the winners in this 30 minute segment which was also played at the dinner.
However it does also include short posing segments by 4 of the all time greats prior to 1970 – Grimek, Reeves, Park and Pearl. See their photos below.

The second part of the DVD running for 60 minutes contains the highlights of the 50th Anniversary NABBA Universe Dinner and contains the complete speeches of STEVE REEVES, REG PARK, BILL PEARL and MICKEY HARGITAY, plus scenes of many other famous people in the audience that night. See photos below.

John Grimek was planning to be present but sadly he was unable to attend due to his hip replacement operations.
The man who ran the NABBA Universe for 34 years from the early days till the time of his death in 1991 was OSCAR HEIDENSTAM. Oscar is honoured with his photo top centre – front cover of the programme shown at the bottom of this page.

For a Complete list of NABBA Universe Winners from 1948 to the present day, click here.


We are sad to report the death of REG PARK on 22nd November, 2007. MICKEY HARGITAY passed away on 14th September, 2006. STEVE REEVES passed away on 1st May, 2000.  Of these 4 legends of the sport as featured above, only BILL PEARL is still with us today, fit and well as at July 2019.

Bill Pearl

Steve Reeves

Reg Park

Mickey Hargitay

Some of the Legends on stage at the 1998 Universe