Colossus! Greg Kovacs Law of the Jungle hardcore training video.
In Greg’s training video, “Colossus”, he shows much of his training regime along with sharing some great diet information.
“Huge and Freaky” is the perfect description of this man who needs to walk sideways to get through most doors. At 6’2″ tall and around 300lb of lean muscle, he is presently the freakiest bodybuilder in the world. He has 25″ arms and other measurements to match.
At FIBO 1998, Greg was the most in-demand bodybuilder for signed photos with a line half a mile long. His feats of strength are legendary and include leg pressing 2000lbs for 20 reps.
For the first time ever you get to follow the world’s strongest and biggest bodybuilder, Greg Kovacs. Witness the Canadian Colossus shoulder press 500 lbs and bench press 600 lbs for reps. A 350 lbs of muscle, 25-inch arms, 35-inch legs, 70-inch chest, 700-lbs bench press, Canadian champion!
See Greg Kovacs go through a grueling and intense pound-for-pound workout. This video is unlike any video you’ve seen before. No simulations, no retakes, just actual footage of Kovacs mega training with super-heavy weights.
Witness the Canadian Colossus shoulder press 500 lbs and incline bench press 600 lbs for reps. He also benches 585 for reps on the incline Smith machine.
Learn Kovacs’ secrets of how he built his 350 lbs+ body, with 25″ arms and here’s your chance to experience the law of the jungle workout, hardcore training video – COLOSSUS!
From some back issues of FLEX magazine, we came across a report claiming these poundages:
” 675 pounds for 6 reps and regularly does 585 pounds for 10 reps, and other phenomenal training lifts include squats 750 pounds for 15 reps, 45 degree leg presses more than 2000 pounds for sets of 20 reps, seated military presses 405lbs for 12 reps and 495lbs for 5 reps, flat benches 495lbs for 12 reps, seated shoulder dumbell presses 12 reps with 200lbs, barbell rows 585 for 7 reps and DB curls with 120 lbs for 8 reps.”
Greg was off to an early start, commencing training at the age of 17. He soon developed an amazing physique. In the off-season Greg consumed around 10,000 calories per day and when he was dieting for a show he would reduce them to 8,000. When the show was close, he would cut them down to 5,000 odd.
In my opinion, photos of Greg do not do him justice. When we stood beside him at FIBO in 1998 we were dwarfed by his size. In fact he looks much bigger and better in person than you will see in any magazine photo. It is without doubt that Greg Kovacs was one of biggest, strongest and most amazing pro bodybuilders of all time.