Kevin Levrone is Full Blown (Download)

AUD $10.00

A-4201  Digital Download   Duration:  60 mins  Sample Clip

See Kevin at his absolute peak in this production shot at his gym in Maryland. Kevin will take you on his personal mission to be the best in the world in the sport of pro bodybuilding.



This is the all time classic first video on Kevin’s hard-core training, produced in 1995. See what happens when 1700 pounds of cold iron meets 270 pounds of hard chiselled muscle. It’s LEVRONE.. FULL BLOWN.  Follow the champion who has won more professional titles than any other bodybuilder on the planet in this ultimate video as he blasts his way through his workout.

See Kevin at his absolute peak in this production shot at his gym in Maryland. Kevin will take you on his personal mission to be the best in the world in the sport of pro bodybuilding. Levrone is inspirational, educational and entertaining. Most of all, he is real. In his own words, “I am what I do… Full Blown”. Kevin is now following a movie career as an actor.

Warning: Only follow the contents of the workout in this video at your own risk!

Kevin’s Photo Gallery

Kevin Levrone – Competitive History

1992: Mr. Olympia 2nd

1993: Mr. Olympia 5th

1994: Mr. Olympia 3rd

Grand Prix England 2nd
Grand Prix Germany 2nd
Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 1st

Mr. Olympia 2nd
Grand Prix Germany 1st
Grand Prix England 2nd

San Jose Pro Invitational 1st
Mr. Olympia 4th
Grand Prix Switzerland 3rd
Grand Prix Germany 3rd
Grand Prix England 4th
Grand Prix Czech Republic 2nd
Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 1st

Mr. Olympia 4th
Grand Prix Hungary 1st
Grand Prix Germany 1st
Grand Prix Finland 1st
Grand Prix England 1st
Grand Prix Czech Republic 1st
Grand Prix Spain 1st
Grand Prix Russia 2nd
Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 8th

1998: Mr. Olympia 4th

Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 2nd
Mr. Olympia 4th
Joe Weider’s Pro World 3rd
Grand Prix England 3rd

Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 3rd
Mr. Olympia 2nd

Mr. Olympia 3rd
Grand Prix England 1st

Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 5th
Australia Pro Invitational 4th
Mr. Olympia 2nd

Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 6th
Mr. Olympia 6th
IFBB Show of Strength Pro Championship 6th

2016: Mr. Olympia 16th