Larry Scott ‘A Life in Bodybuilding’ – The first ever Mr Olympia 1965 – 1966
Early Years – Posing – Awards – Career Highlights – Interview – Seminar
This video is a tribute to LARRY SCOTT, the first ever Mr Olympia Champion in 1965 and 1966. Larry was not only a much loved champion, he also stayed in great shape throughout his whole life.
The main part of the video is his inspirational seminar given at the 2006 FitExpo in California where GMV was the official videographer for this event. (43 mins)
Other early years posing highlights include Larry winning the ’65 and ’66 Olympia titles, guest posing in 1965 and his posing at the 1964 IFBB Mr Universe.
Contest History and bio are bottom of this page.
See Wayne’s tribute on the passing of LARRY SCOTT on March 8th, 2014.
Larry at the Legends’ Reunion at World Gym in CA 2000, followed by his award at the 1997 O.H. Foundation Awards in England.
The entertaining interview at the 2001 Mr Olympia Expo.
Larry at the 1995 Mr Olympia Winners’ Reunion.
All Larry’s footage is in reverse chronological order on this video starting with his 2006 seminar.
Larry is famous for his “perfect loaded guns” arm development. He is responsible for making the Preacher Curl Bench one of the most popular pieces of bodybuilding equipment. The exercise is also known as the Scott Curl.
Larry also appeared in the movie Muscle Beach Party. The title of Larry’s seminar was “Larry’s Unique Technique Workshop”. In it he shared many of his secrets of bodybuilding as well as body conditioning. He was the first man to win the big 3 titles of Mr America, Mr Universe and Mr Olympia.
Learn first hand how Larry crafted exercise technique so well that he beat every other bodybuilder on the planet!
Photos by Clive Jaques, Wayne Gallasch, John Corlett, Jerry Fredrick and courtesy Larry Scott.
The following is a transcription of a letter received from Larry Scott in March 2007 after we sent Larry a copy of the DVD:
Wayne: what a treasure you have put together for me. I truly appreciate the DVD which is cramped pack full of pleasant memories. Many of which I had forgotten. Thank you so very much for the effort and the gesture. This is one I will keep and show my grand-kids. Again thank you for the wonderful gift.
Your friend, Larry Scott
Larry Scott’s contest history:
Winner – AAU Mr California – AAU
1st Mr California – AAU, Most Muscular
3rd Mr Los Angeles – AAU, Most Muscular, 3rd Mr Los Angeles
1961 Mr Pacific Coast – AAU, Most Muscular, 1st Mr Pacific Coast – AAU, Winner
Mr America – IFBB, Medium, 1st
Mr America – IFBB, Overall Winner
1963 Universe – IFBB, Medium, 1st
Universe – IFBB, Medium, 1st
Universe – IFBB, Overall Winner
1965 Olympia – IFBB, Winner (First ever)
1966 Olympia – IFBB, Winner
Canada Diamond Pro Cup – IFBB, 9th
Grand Prix Vancouver – IFBB, Did not place.
Special Thanks to:
2006 FITEXPO and LARRY SCOTT for permitting us to tape this seminar.
(GMV was the official videographer at the 2006 FITEXPO)
Norm Komich for 1965 and 1966 Mr. Olympia footage.
Magna Media International for the past Mr. Olympias’ Reunion – 1995 Mr. Olympia footage. IFBBTV.COM
Larry Scott – Brief Bio:
Larry Scott, “The Legend”, established and personified bodybuilding’s beach Adonis image, and duly became the sport’s Golden Boy after winning the IFBB Mr. America title in 1962 and the IFBB Mr. Universe in 1964. He was the first-ever IFBB Mr. Olympia in the contest’s initial two years of life, 1965 and 1966.
Joe Weider’s brainchild of a competition got the perfect first-time winner in Larry. Of all the Hall of Fame inductees, perhaps Scott started with the least raw potential. Told he was too narrow-shouldered – a condition then considered insurmountable – he persevered and packed on prodigious mounds of delt muscle which, coupled with the greatest arms in bodybuilding, enabled him to present front double-biceps shots that worked up a crowd like no other.
When Larry won these first two Mr Olympia contests who would have ever thought it would develop to be the massive event it is today.
Witnesses still say that the audience reaction to his 1966 IFBB Mr. Olympia entrance was the most vociferous and emotional ever seen at a bodybuilding contest. A devout Mormon, Larry lives in Salt Lake City, where he runs his own bodybuilding advisory company.
Bio courtesy Critical Bench.