Nick Jones: Road to the Universe – The Seminar
Road to the Universe DVD #1
* Charismatic
* Instructional
* Inspirational
* Chiropractic
* Nutrition Seminar
* Posing
* Tanning
* Contest Highlights
See what really happens in the life of a top physique star as he prepares for the Mr. Universe competition.
After a full chiropractic adjustment, Nick gives a brilliant seminar on nutrition and training for the bodybuilder, followed by posing in his red shorts. This is 6 weeks out from the Universe.
We also include posing highlights from Nick’s victory at the World Championships in New Zealand, plus posing at the 1999 NABBA Universe in England.
Finally we go with Nick to the tanning salon as he tops up his tan for his next posing exhibition, and explains the importance of pre-contest tanning.
Nick has won many major titles in a number of different federations. He is also a bodybuilding judge and MC of National Bodybuilding & Fitness events in Australia.
Nick Jones Complete Complete Contest History:
SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic, Teenage Class, 1st (first ever contest)
SABBA Teenage Mr. South Australia, 1st
NABBA Australian Championships, Teenage Class, 4th
Pro Hart Outback Classic, IFBB, Juniors, 1st
South Australian Titles, ANBF, Junior, Open and Overall Winner
Australian Titles, ANBF, Juniors, 1st place
Mr Gold Coast, IFBB, Middle weight and Overall Winner.
South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class 1st, and Overall Winner
Australasia – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 3rd
South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class 1st.
Australasia, NABBA, Class 4, 1st
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 4th
South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class, 1st and Overall Winner
Australasia, NABBA Class 4, 1st
Australasia, NABBA, Overall, 2nd
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 3rd
South Australia, SABBA, Short Class 1st, and Overall Winner
Australasia, NABBA, Class 4, 1st
Australasia, NABBA, Overall Winner
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 4th
Australia – NABBA, Overall Winner
Australia – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 1st
World Championships – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 1st (Charles Duca won Overall)
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 6th
Australia – NABBA, Overall Winner
Australia – NABBA, Short, 1st
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 2nd
Musclemania Worlds, Overall Winner
Musclemania Worlds, MiddleWeight, 1st
Musclemania Superbody, Professional, 6th
NPFC-IFBB All States Amateur Championships, Under 80Kg and Overall Winner
IFBB Australasia, Under 80Kg, 1st
IFBB Omara Invitational (WA), Overall Winner