Wilfried Dubbels – Golden Seventies: Then and Now – Part 2
100% English Language
Part # 2 was shot in Wilfried’s home gym in Heeslingen, Germany in June 2007. See Wilfried in great shape as he performs his complete gym workout for Wayne’s camera, followed by his classical posing display in a special garden type posing alcove.
See what Wilfried eats as he shares breakfast with us and explains his basic training philosophy.
The famous “Reeves “V” shape” is still as impressive as ever as WILFRIED DUBBELS shows us the results of his life time’s training regime.
There is a short posing segment shot in a garden in Germany, with cows in the background, which is included in the beginning of the second disc. It was shot on film in 1976 when Wilfried was practicing his posing in front of a movie camera. Is is a rare glimpse into Wilfried’s early life in bodybuilding.
See here for Wilfried’s article BODYBUILDING THE NATURAL WAY. Plus details on his Anti-Aging book.