2000 NABBA Mr. Australia: Show (DVD)

AUD $29.95

GMV-365-DVD  Open Region DVD  Duration: 108 mins  Sample Clip

Most of the Australia winners went on to win at the World Championships in New Zealand just 2 weeks later. There were 8 men’s classes, including the 4 Open Classes, Men’s Junior, Men’s Novice, Men’s Masters and for the first time, a Men’s Fitness class.


2000 NABBA Australian Championships: Men’s Show

This year held in Queensland, the 2000 Australia was a showcase for local, national and international talent.
International – because most of the Australia winners went on to win at the World Championships in New Zealand just 2 weeks later.

There were 8 men’s classes, including the 4 Open Classes, Men’s Junior, Men’s Novice, Men’s Masters and for the first time, a Men’s Fitness class.

The Mr. Australia Class Winners were:

Juniors – Shane Parke (Vic)
Masters – Kym Johncock (S.A.)
Novice – Dean Riordan (W.A.)
Short Class 4 – Nick Jones (S.A.)
Medium Short Class 3 – Grant Mayo (NSW)
Medium Tall Class 2 – Gary Vandenberg (S.A.)
Tall Class 1 – Brian Anthony (Qld)
Mr. Fitness – Erich Fangmeyer (Vic)



Men’s Juniors

1. Shane Parke Vic
2. Michael Lea Qld
3. Jamie Drive Qld
4. Jonathon Matrai NSW
5. Jason Morrison  Qld
6. Michael Cooper  Qld
7. Mario Abdelsayed  NSW
8. Lui Maciel  WA

Men’s Novice

1. Dean Riordan  WA
2. Daniel Strawbridge  WA
3. Daniel Stefani  NSW
4. Ryan Hughes  Qld

Mr. Fitness

Erich Fangmeyer  Vic

Men’s Class 1 – Tall

1. Brian Anthony  Qld
2. Andrew Lamont  NSW
3. Scott Burgess Qld
4. John Rizzo  Vic
5. James Cross  Vic
6. Tony Griffin  SA
7. Phil Raymond  NSW

Men’s Class 2 – Medium Tall

1. Gary Vandenberg  SA
2. Enzo D’Alessandro  WA
3. Tony Green  Qld
4. Justin Rodgers  Vic
5. Craig Watson  Vic
6. Jim Briggs  NSW
7. Chris Chappell  NSW
8. George Avramis  Qld
9. Matt Lea  Vic
10. Dean Clark  Qld
11. Matt Dyer  Qld

Men’s Class 3 – Medium Short

1. Grant Mayo  NSW
2. Paul Robinson  Qld
3. Mitch Boormakin  NSW

Men’s Class 4 – Short

1. Nick Jones  SA
2. Colin Murphie  NSW
3. Rick Palermo  Vic
4. Mick Karl  Qld
5. Darryl Marshell  Qld

Men’s Masters

1. Kym Johncock  SA
2. Barry Whitnell  Vic
3. Tom Long  WA
4. Brad McMillan  WA
5. Bob Hardy  Qld
6. Dennis Dye  NSW
7. Clinton Black  Qld
8. Lance Bellington  Qld
9. Mark Jamieson  Qld