Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Historic 27th Annual Reunion/Dinner (DVD)

AUD $29.95

GMV-1037-DVD  Open Region DVD  Duration: 202 mins  Sample Clip

Notables present included Dr Bob Goldman, Bob Gajda, John and Roland Balik, photographer Denie, Russ Testo, Drs Terry & Jan Todd, Dave Webster, Joe Abbenda, Dr Leo Rosa, Fred Yale, Odd Haugen, and Joe Marino.



The Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Historic 27th Annual Reunion/Dinner

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010.   Newark/Liberty Airport, Marriott Hotel, New Jersey, USA.

Promoter and AOBS President: Arthur Drechsler.

Photo Gallery

It was an honour to be shooting video of this very special historic event. The main honoree for me personally was Chet Yorton, Mr Universe. I had not seen Chet since our shoot in London in 1975, on the day after his victory in the 1975 NABBA Pro Universe. The photo he chose as the image for his painting, presented to him by artist Jim Sanders, was the kneeling pose that appeared on the Iron Man magazine cover, January 1978 issue.

Other notables present included Dr Bob Goldman, Bob Gajda, John and Roland Balik, photographer Denie, Russ Testo, Drs Terry & Jan Todd, Dave Webster, Bob Gruskin, Olympic Gold medalist Isaac Berger, Joe Abbenda, Dr Leo Rosa, Fred Yale, Norm Komich, Odd Haugen, John Corlett and Joe Marino.

The Highest Achievement Award Honorees for 2010

Special Achievement Award: Dave Prowse (Darth Vader)
Tina Vadala accepted a plaque on behalf of her famous uncle Joe Rollino.
Historical & Collectors’ Meeting including Tommy Kono
Dennis Rogers Strongman Seminar
Strength displays –
Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman
Dennis Rogers & his strength team
Kara Bohigian WR Holder Olympic Lifter
Award to and speeches by Chet Yorton, Mr Universe
Guest posing by Chet Yorton
Final Awards including Dave Prowse.

The world famous MC was Steve Sadicario – “Mighty Stefan”.

The AOBS has honored scores of Iron Game luminaries over the past 26 years of its existence. These names represent some of the greatest names ever to touch a barbell, starting with John Grimek in 1986.
Read more about the history of the AOBS at