Classic Collection # 6 (DVD)

AUD $29.95

GMV-329-DVD  Open Region DVD   Duration:  60 mins  Sample Clip

Presenting the physique stars of the ’60s and ’70s in this massive extravaganza of old time classic bodybuilders.


Classic Collection # 6

Presenting the physique stars of the 60’s and 70’s in this massive extravaganza of old time classic bodybuilders.  From our film archives, we have an even greater number of stars from our precious 16 mm and 8 mm films.  Parts of this DVD are in black and white, with colour for those parts filmed after approximately 1970. The period covered in this DVD is the mid 60s to around 1977.  Music has been added.

FRONT COVER PHOTOS: From top left clockwise – Dave Draper, Chuck Sipes, Sergio Oliva, Frank Zane and centre is Don Howorth, courtesy Ray Snodgrass.
REAR COVER PHOTOS: Clockwise – Chet Yorton, Dennis Tinerino, John Citrone, Casey Viator and Jim Haislop.

The Most Well Known Stars in this DVD include:

Chuck Sipes
Dennis Tinerino
Dave Draper
Rick Wayne
Jim Haislop
Larry Scott
Sergio Oliva
Frank Zane
Mike Katz
Casey Viator
Don Howorth
Chet Yorton
Joe Nista
Jack Delinger
John Citrone’s strength act
Roger Walker
Gable Boudreau plus many more.


Here is a detailed content listing/running order thanks to our researcher Dr. David New.

Guillermo Maldonado, Christopher Forde, Harold Poole and Larry Scott at 1965 IFBB Mr. Universe and Olympia.
1968 IFBB Mr. Olympia/World/America extravaganza featuring Sergio Oliva, Chuck Sipes, Frank Zane, Mike Katz, Roy Callender, Don Peters and others
Sergio Oliva beating John Corvello at the 1966 AAU Jr. Mr. America.
Casey Viator, Pete Grymkowski and Bill St. John at the 1971 AAU Mr. America.
Harold Poole at both the 1965 and 1966 IFBB Mr. Olympias.
Reg Lewis, Chuck Sipes, Dave Draper and Gable Boudreaux posing onstage 1960s.
Don Howorth and Chet Yorton posing (possibly at the 1966 IFBB Mr. America).
1966 AAU Mr. America featuring Ralph Kroger, Sergio Oliva, Dennis Tinerino, Bob Gajda, Jim Haislop and others. Includes individual posing, comparisons and awards.
Chuck Sipes at the 1966 IFBB Olympia, Dave Draper at the 1966 IFBB Universe. Poole and Scott at both the 1965 and 1966 IFBB Mr. Olympia shows.
Larry Scott and friends at the beach and in the 1964 film “Muscle Beach Party”.
Joe Nista posing 1960’s.
Dave Draper and Sergio Oliva winning the 1966 IFBB Mr. Universe and Mr. World.
Rick Wayne posing outdoors in the late 1960’s.
Mike Barnett posing
Bob Gajda receiving a trophy at 1966 AAU Jr. Mr. America.
Jack Delinger, Bill McArdle, Larry Scott guest posing 1960’s.
Larry Scott posing mid-60’s.
Wilf Sylvester, Roger Walker, Roy Chavez competing late 60’s.
John Citrone’s strength act at the 1972 NABBA Universe.
1979 Mr. Styria, Austria.
Frank Colombera, George Seredenski, Mike Sable, Don Knipp posing outdoors 1970’s, first 2 filmed in Australia.
1977 – posing outside Gold’s Gym Santa Monica by Pete Grymkowski, Bill Grant, Kent Kuehn, Ken Sprague, Manuel Perry and others.
Danny Padilla winning the 1977 IFBB Mr. America.
Dave Johns winning the 1977 AAU Mr. America.

The quality varies from mostly good to very good, to excellent depending on the stage lighting or age of the film.