King Kamali – Back with a Vengeance (DVD)

AUD $29.95

A-1149-DVD  Open Region DVD  Duration: 60 mins  Sample Clip

“Back with a Vengeance DVD ”… The transformation began with the now classic off-season DVD: The King of Pain, and the journey comes to an end in this power packed film as we all see why it was a BIG mistake to underestimated THE KING!


King Kamali – Back with a Vengeance

“Back with a Vengeance DVD ”… The transformation began with the now classic off-season DVD: The King of Pain, and the journey comes to an end in this power packed film as we all see why it was a BIG mistake to underestimated THE KING! The metamorphosis from a 300 lb. freak of nature is astonishing.

The King is bigger, stronger, ultra shredded, and as the master of controversy and smack talk has been silent recently for good reason. No one is expecting the new KING KAMALI, and what is about to be unleashed will shock the bodybuilding world. A new force is on the horizon and he is BACK WITH A VENGEANCE!


Behind The Scenes
Photo Gallery
Gag Reel
much more!