Porter Cottrell: Conceive, Believe & Achieve
Porter Cottrell came to prominence in 1988 when he won the overall title at the NPC Junior National Championships. His next major victory was the light-heavyweight class at the 1991 NPC National Championships. Although he lost the Overall Title to Kevin Levrone, he still achieved IFBB Professional status.
IFBB Superstar PORTER COTTRELL takes us through his journey from skinny teenager to top-ranked professional competitor. The man with the Hollywood looks! He demonstrates the training routine that sculpted his championship form, discusses the emotional and attitudinal factors so essential to success, and talks about his belief that a well-rounded life outside the gym translates into better progress inside the gym.
Throughout the DVD, the classically proportioned physique, personable manner and positive attitude that have made him a favourite of bodybuilding fans throughout the world are amply displayed. This is much more than just another training video, “Conceive, Believe & Achieve”, delivers an up-close and personal look at the champion and his laid-back lifestyle.
It’s an entertaining, educational, and inspirational DVD that provides the viewer with tips for high-level achievement in any endeavor.
Porter Cottrell talks about his work as a fireman at the beginning of the video. He also shows himself as a 17 year old and says he wasn’t big and muscular back then. However he was genetically gifted with great shoulders and a big build. He explains how hard he has worked to achieve his physique. Porter does mention that it is genetics that determine how far you may to go in the sport.
Included in the DVD is a trip to the gym with Porter where he shows us his style and form when training with some pumping and tensing thrown in. He explains his training philosophy in its simple, most basic form: “Quality, not quantity”.
You also see an overview of his career up to the time of the making of the original video, and hear of his work as a fireman. Typical of Porter’s total professionalism in all he does, you see the Cottrell physique in great shape, big and ripped.
The DVD does include B&W segments for special effect. It is a rare privilege to observe a great pro bodybuilder who has managed to combine a sensible bodybuilding lifestyle with a healthy outlook on life. Special thanks to Porter who supplied the photos to GMV at the time of the original VHS video release. All photos copyright Porter Cottrell.
Porter Cottrell Stats:
Born 1962, Louisville, KY
Height: 5’6″
Contest Weight: 194 – 200 lbs
Contest History:
1999 Toronto Pro Invitational – IFBB, 3rd
1999 Night of Champions – IFBB, 9th
1998 Toronto Pro Invitational – IFBB, 4th
1998 San Francisco Pro Invitational – IFBB, 6th
1998 Night of Champions – IFBB, 6th
1996 San Jose Pro Invitational – IFBB, 10th
1996 Arnold Classic – IFBB, 8th
1994 San Jose Pro Invitational – IFBB, 2nd
1994 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 5th
1994 Grand Prix Spain – IFBB, 5th
1994 Grand Prix Germany – IFBB, 7th
1994 Grand Prix England – IFBB, 9th
1994 Arnold Classic – IFBB, 3rd
1993 Pittsburgh Pro Invitational – IFBB, 1st
1993 Night of Champions – IFBB, 1st
1993 Chicago Pro Invitational – IFBB, 1st
1992 Mr. Olympia – IFBB, 8th
1992 Night of Champions – IFBB, 2nd
1992 Niagara Falls Pro Invitational – IFBB, 1st
1992 Grand Prix Italy – IFBB, 5th
1992 Grand Prix Holland – IFBB, 7th
1992 Grand Prix Germany – IFBB, 4th
1992 Grand Prix England – IFBB, 5th
1992 Chicago Pro Invitational – IFBB, 1st
1991 Nationals – NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1989 Nationals – NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 3rd
1988 Junior Nationals – NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1988 Junior Nationals – NPC, Overall Winner
Executive Producer: Porter Cottrell
Producer: Steve Weingarten
Directors: Steve Weingarten/Rick Barney
Writer & Jacket design: Steve Weingarten
Director of Photography: Rick Barney
Editors: Steve Weingarten/Rick Barney