Third Ripped DVD – with Clarence Bass
The principles discussed and illustrated here are the ones that have kept Clarence training to improve long after many others have lapsed into maintenance training or given up altogether.
Completely different, this third DVD is about motivation, the sine qua non of all successful training efforts. No worthwhile fitness goal can be achieved without motivation. Using real life stories, it shows you how to stay motivated year after year.
Wayne & Tina Gallasch and Clarence tell inspiring stories about themselves and their motivation. Wayne’s story is about competition, the ultimate motivator. Wayne transformed himself from a fitness buff, lifting weights in his basement, to the world’s best indoor rower at 500 meters for his age and weight. Clarence explains why personal achievement is the best motivator and how trying to keep up with Wayne almost sidelined him. Tina tells how discovering, to her great surprise, that she enjoyed indoor rowing and lifting converted her from a casual and unmotivated workout person to an avid trainer.
The DVD includes exciting action footage, rowing and weight training. Wayne shows his superb form in the squat and deadlift, and demonstrates the ultimate in motivation by doing the best 500-meter time recorded for his age and weight in 2004. Clarence shows us excellent technique in the squats and illustrates proper goal orientation by doing a personal best in the 200-meter row. Tina shows how the dead lift should be done and shows her serious resolve on the rower doing Tabatas.
Ripped DVD 3 Contents – In Order Seen
Medical warning
Competition, the ultimate motivator
Wayne’s story
Wayne’s 500m personal record row (pace 1:34.1 on Feb. 28th, 2004)
Compete with yourself – chasing Wayne
Clarence’s 200m personal record row (pace 1:32.9)
Find your sport – Tina’s story
Tina’s personal record Tabata intervals on rower
Important training points to remember
Clarence’s physique at age 43 and 65
Tina’s most muscular
End credits