1996 Fitness America Pageant (Download)

AUD $7.50

A-0872  Digital Download  Duration 42 mins  Sample Clip

Each of the 2 episodes consists of two rounds:  swimsuit and posing routine.  Whilst the fitness/aerobics routines aren’t as polished as they are today, they are certainly performed with a high degree of enthusiasm.


1996 Fitness America Pageant – 2 Episodes

Episode 1:  Winner Michele Waitman (other contestants are: Sandy Owen, Jennifer Weustefeld, Kathy Nelson and April Montoya).

Episode 2:  Winner Amy Zych (other contestants are: Karin Schubah, Sharon Stoub, Audra Pollard and Samantha Budd).

Each episode consists of two rounds:  swimsuit and posing routine.  Whilst the fitness/aerobics routines aren’t as polished as they are today, they are certainly performed with a high degree of enthusiasm.

Cover photo: Rick Schaff.