Melissa Coates Video # 3 – with Laura Bass (DVD)

AUD $29.95

A-1481  Digital Download  Duration: 78 mins  Sample Clip

This is Melissa’s 3rd video in her series of feature videos. The former Ms. Olympia competitor Melissa Coates is back this time with bodybuilder Laura Bass.


MELISSA COATES VIDEO # 3 – with Laura Bass

This is Melissa’s 3rd video in her series of feature videos. The former Ms. Olympia competitor Melissa Coates is back this time with bodybuilder Laura Bass. Melissa is a fitness model, professional bodybuilder and professional wrestler.

 Photo Gallery

Melissa and Laura pose for one another in dresses then pump up with a towel. Later they pose together and then Laura changes into a stage bikini and shows Melissa her shredded physique.  They finish off with a playful arm-wrestle

Melissa has always been strong, and has won several powerlifting awards, with a best bench of 250 lbs. Her bodybuilding results were as follows:

1994 Ms Canada
1996 Jan Tana Champion
1996 Ms Olympia – 9th
1997 Ms International, 5th runner up
1997 Ms Olympia (11th place)

Before she passed away, Melissa sent us all of her videos and asked us to include them on our GMV site. We are happy to carry out her wishes in her memory.
1999 Ms International – 13th