2001 WFF Universe: Men’s #3 – Athletic & Superbody (Download)

AUD $10.00

GMV-428  Digital Download  Duration:  144 mins  Sample Clip

An outstanding video of a fantastic contest! This video focuses on the Men’s Athletic and the Men’s Superbody Classes from the new World Fitness Federation, WFF. Competitors are strictly graded by age, shape and size – e.g. Over 30’s can’t compete in the under 30’s – in other words there is no Open Category.


2001 WFF Universe: Men’s #3 – Athletic & Superbody Classes

Held in Baden, Austria, June 10th, 2001.

An outstanding DVD of a fantastic contest! The third in a series of 3 Men’s DVDs focuses on the Men’s Athletic and the Men’s Superbody Classes from the new World Fitness Federation, WFF. Competitors are strictly graded by age, shape and size – e.g. Over 30’s can’t compete in the under 30’s – in other words there is no Open Category.

In this video you WON’T see – synthol injections, muscle implants, acned skin, belly bloat. What you will see is the most magnificently muscular, ripped, conditioned, symmetrical bodybuilders in the world today.  This is a contest that is a ‘must see’. It’s inspirational for all aspiring contestants.  From the youngest to the oldest competitor – everyone, without exception, is in awesome condition. This is bodybuilding how it’s supposed to be.


This video also includes the compete Phoenix Fire Dance Performance.  If they haven’t been to Vegas yet then they ought to have!  They are THAT good.


Men’s Athletic
1 Dimitrij Yashankin – Russia
2 Roman Senti – Switzerland
3 Nikolaj Konowalow – Russia
4 Alexej Chaikine – Russia
5 Andre Jentsch – Germany
6 Ulrich Gruber – Austria
Matthias Bonnack – Germany
David Rade – Switzerland

Men’s Athletic Over 30
1 Massimo Monaco – Italy
2 Boris Shamraev – Russia
3 Olaf Sommerfeld – Germany
4 Axel Decker – Germany
5 Henning Christensen – Denmark
6 Andreas Trienbacher – Germany
Sam Cullingford – England
George Gustoni – Serbia
Jurgen Tragler – Austria
Silvester Aloski – Denmark
Frank Heumer – Germany

Men’s Athletic Over 40
1 Thomas Bachert – Germany
2 Mike Mitchell – Scotland, UK
3 Reinhard Hess – Germany
4 Viktor Tkatsenko – Estonia

Men’s Superbody
1 Jens Plasczyk – Germany
2 Oliver Pupp – Germany
3 Michael Metzger – Germany
4 Ralf Stengel – Germany
5 Dimitri Kraskowski – Belarus
6 Dimitri Dimitriev – Russia

Men’s Superbody Over 30
1 Christian Klee – Austria
2 Steve Sinton – Scotland, UK
3 Robert Mayer – Austria
4 Marek Kalmus – Estonia
5 Marcel Siraev – Russia

Men’s Superbody Over 40
1 Dimitri Zolin – Russia
2 Frank Gunther – Germany
3 Tony Rizzo – Australia
4 Spiros Valavanis – Greece

For the COMPLETE EVENT RESULTS, please click here.