Nick Jones – A Bodybuilding Career (Download)

AUD $10.00

GMV-1076  Digital download  Duration 98 mins  Sample Clip

Take a trip down memory lane with one of Australia’s greatest bodybuilders – NICK JONES.  Wayne and GMV have captured Nick’s career from his first teenage competitions through to his 2019 Arnold Classic.  28 years of competition!!


Nick Jones – A Bodybuilding Career

Take a trip down memory lane with one of Australia’s greatest bodybuilders – NICK JONES.  Wayne and GMV have captured Nick’s career from his first teenage competitions through to his 2019 Arnold Classic.  28 years of competition!!

Nick has won multiple top titles including Mr. Australia, Mr. World and a runner up in the NABBA Universe.

Nick Jones Contest History

SABBA Adelaide Physique Classic, Teenage Class, 1st (first ever contest)
SABBA Teenage Mr. South Australia, 1st
NABBA Australian Championships, Teenage Class, 4th

1992: Pro Hart Outback Classic, IFBB, Juniors, 1st

South Australian Titles, ANBF, Junior, Open & Overall Winner
Australian Titles, ANBF, Juniors, 1st place

1995: Mr Gold Coast, IFBB, Middle weight and Overall Winner.

South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class 1st, & Overall Winner
Australasia – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 3rd

South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class 1st.
Australasia, NABBA, Class 4, 1st
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 4th

South Australia, SABBA, Open Short Class, 1st & Overall Winner
Australasia, NABBA Class 4, 1st
Australasia, NABBA, Overall, 2nd
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 3rd

South Australia, SABBA, Short Class 1st, & Overall Winner
Australasia, NABBA, Class 4, 1st
Australasia, NABBA, Overall Winner
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 4th

Australia – NABBA, Overall Winner
Australia – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 1st
World Championships – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 1st

2001: Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 6th

Australia – NABBA, Overall Winner
Australia – NABBA, Short, 1st
Mr Universe – NABBA, Class 4 Short, 2nd

Musclemania Worlds, Overall Winner
Musclemania Worlds, MiddleWeight, 1st

2007: Musclemania Superbody, Professional, 6th

NPFC-IFBB All States Amateur Championships, Under 80Kg and Overall Winner
IFBB Australasia, Under 80Kg, 1st
IFBB Omara Invitational (WA), Overall Winner

IFBB Pro League NSW ARNOLD QUALIFIER: Overall Classic Physique Champion
IFBB Pro League ARNOLD CLASSIC: Classic Physique 3rd Place
IFBB ELITE AUSTRALASIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS: U/80kg and Overall Bodybuilding Champion.
Awarded IFBB ELITE PRO CARD at this contest.
IFBB ELITE Omara Classic PRO/AM: U/85kg and Overall Bodybuilding Champion